Annick Pellegrin

Sessional Lecturer

Languages and World Literatures, Spanish
Office: FIP 323

Research Summary

Bandes dessinées (Franco-Belgian comics) and historietas (Latin American comics, Mexican and Argentinian in particular); coloniality, decolonial thought and representations of Latin America; nationalism and international relations; gender representations; myths (in the Barthesian sense); authors’ rights, economic situation and state laws; digital comics; representations of death and evil; history, memory and lieux de mémoire

Courses & Teaching



Dr Annick Pellegrin completed her PhD under the joint supervision of the Department of French Studies and the Department of Spanish and Latin American Studies at The University of Sydney in 2014. Prior to this, she completed a Bachelor of Arts Languages degree with four majors (French, Spanish, Italian and Linguistics) and joint honours in Spanish and Latin American Studies and French Studies, also at The University of Sydney, in 2009.

Both her honours and PhD theses were on comics and these continue to be the central focus of her research. She is primarily interested in Franco-Belgian, Mexican and Argentinian comics but she is also doing research on some Canadian comics. Aside from the content of the works themselves, she is also interested in the context of their creation and their reception. Thus, she considers comics as much within each of their national contexts as in relation to the cultural and historical connections between countries or regions.

She also serves the community and supports the work of others as a columns and articles editor for the Comics Forum and as a member of the editorial board of Studies in Comics.


Ph.D., The University of Sydney, 2014; BA (Languages) (Honours I), The University of Sydney, 2009

Selected Publications & Presentations

Book Chapters

“Mexico’s Conquest, Independence and Revolution according to Rius” Identity and History in Non-Anglophone Comics, Harriet E. H. Earle and Martin Lund (eds.), Global Perspectives in Comics Studies, Oxon/New York: Routledge, 2023, 89-105.

“The Hell Economics of ZombilléniumCritical Approaches to Horror Comic Books: Red Ink in the Gutter, Fernando Gabriel Pagnoni Berns and John Darowski (eds.), London: Routledge, 2022, 233-247.

Peau d’homme : A Different Kind of Happy Ending” Trans Identities in the French Media: Representation, Visibility, Recognition, Romain Chareyron (ed.), Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2022, 157-171.

“Real Men Choose Vasectomy: Questioning and Redefining Mexican National Masculinity in Los supermachos, from Rius to Anonymous Authors”, The Routledge Companion to Gender and Sexuality in Comic Book Studies, Frederick Luis Aldama (ed.), London: Routledge, 2020, 66-77.

“Vicky: Young, Rich, Popular, Sexy, Gay, and Unhappy”, The Canadian Alternative: Cartoonists, Comics, and Graphic Novels, Dominick Grace and Eric Hoffman (eds.), Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2018, 83-97.

“Feroumont’s, Hubert’s and Kerascoët’s Heroines: Debunking the Myths of Happiness Purported by Romantic Fairy Tales and Romance Novels”, Heroes, Heroines, and Everything in Between: Challenging Gender and Sexuality Stereotypes in Children’s Entertainment Media, CarrieLynn D. Reinhard and Christopher J. Olson (eds.), Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2017, 139-158.

“El curioso caso de Gisèle: ¿Una fábula erótica feminista? / The Curious Case of Gisèle: An Erotic Feminist Fable?”, Las batallas del cómic: Perspectivas sobre la narrativa gráfica contemporánea [Comics’ Battles: Perspectives on Contemporary Graphic Narrative], Javier Lluch-Prats, José Martínez Rubio and Luz Souto (eds.), Valencia: Anejos de Diablotexto Digital. Revista de crítica literaria, 2017, 281-298.

“Vehlmann, or The End of Innocence: Lessons in Cruelty in Seuls and Jolies ténèbres”, Picturing Childhood: Youth in Transnational Comics, Mark Heimermann and Brittany Tullis (eds.), Austin: University of Texas Press, 2017, 181-198.

“Bearing Witness and Telling it how it is: Dialogue and Collaboration in the Creation of Dans les griffes de la vipère”, Cultures of Comics Work, Casey Brienza and Paddy Johnston (eds.), London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, 161-174.

“An Unspeakable Filiation: Spirou and the Three Unicorns”, The Comics of Hergé: When the Lines Are not so Clear, Critical Approaches to Comics Artists, Joe Sutliff Sanders (ed.), Jackson: University Press of Mississippi, 2016, 157-176.

“‘Ils sont fous ces Gaulois!’: Astérix, Lucky Luke, Freedom Fries and the Love-Hate Relationship Between France and the US” [‘These Gauls are Crazy!’: Astérix, Lucky Luke, Freedom Fries and the Love-Hate Relationship Between France and the US], Comics as History, Comics as Literature: Roles of the Comic Book in Scholarship, Society, and Entertainment, Annessa A. Babic (ed.) Madison, Teaneck: Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, 2013, 47-64.

Journal Articles

“Anchoring retro Spirou et Fantasio and spin-off albums”, European Comic Art, 14, 2: Tradition and Innovation in Franco-Belgian Bande dessinée (2021), 13–33.

Gringos Locos, Crazy Belgians and the Sanctity of the Stars of Franco-Belgian bande dessinée”, The Journal of Comics & Culture, 5: US Comics in France/Bande Dessinée in America (2020), 193-218.

« Survie et survivance des valeurs dans Seuls et The Girl Who Owned a City » [Survival and Survival of Values in Alone and The Girl Who Owned a City], Atlantide, 11: Récits et représentations d’apocalypses [Narratives and Representations of Apocalypses] (2020), p. 117-132.

Introducción” (with María Celina Bortolotto), Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 25, 3: All Fontanarrosa: The Work of a Complete Humorist/Todo Fontanarrosa: la obra de un humorista completo (2019), 229-232.

Groomboy SuperGroom (if you don’t mind): Reflecting on Costume and Fleshing out Spirou”, Refractory: A Journal of Entertainment Media, 32: Superhero Special Issue (2019).

“Nothing New Under the Western Sun: The (Necessity and Inevitability of the) Conquest of the Americas in U.K.R.O.N.I.A. / Les Brigades du temps and Helldorado”, International Journal of Comic Art, 16, 2: Comic Empires—Cartoons, Caricature and Imperialism (2014): 91-110.

“‘I Knew Killing a Man Would Kill You’: Lucky Luke Shaped by Myth and History”, Transformations, 24, The Other Western (2014).

“Mieux vaut en rire qu’en pleurer: Spirou à la rescousse du plat pays” [Better to Laugh Than to Cry: Spirou to Belgium’s Rescue], Australian Journal of French Studies, 51, 1, Crises belges: Explorations et représentations / Belgian Crises: Explorations and Representations (2014): 7-21.

Inodoro Pereyra: The Gaucho as a National Icon”, Literature and Aesthetics, 20, 1 (2010): 9-25.

“Politics as a Carnival in Hergé’s Tintin et les Picaros”, European Comic Art, 3, 2 (2010): 168-188.

Guest Edited Journal Special Issue

Journal of Iberian and Latin American Research, 25, 3: All Fontanarrosa: The Work of a Complete Humorist/Todo Fontanarrosa: la obra de un humorista completo, (2019), with María Celina Bortolotto.

Conference Proceedings

“De los feos vicios, o las vergüenzas de los Pereyra” [On Ugly Vices, or the Shame of the Pereyra], Actas digitales del 1er Congreso Internacional de Historietas: Viñetas Serias, Biblioteca Nacional, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 23-25 September 2010.

Website Articles

Anne and Beauté: the Franco-Belgian Heroine”, Europe Comics, News, 25 July 2018. (Partial reproduction of ‘Feroumont’s, Hubert’s and Kerascoët’s Heroines’ at the request of the publisher of English version of the series Le Royaume [The Kingdom])


Bande Dessinée: A Physical Culture? MUSCUDERZO!”, Comics Forum, 26 September 2018. Original: Capart, Philippe. « La Culture de la bande dessinée, une culture physique ? MUSCUDERZO !  » TONIQUE avril 2017.

Death to Bandes Dessinées! Long Live Hypergraphy (Geste hypergraphique by Roberto Altmann, 1967)”, Comics Forum, 16 February 2018. Original: Sausverd, Antoine. « « À mort les bandes dessinées ! Vive l’hypergraphie ! » (Geste hypergraphique de Roberto Altmann, 1967) ». TONIQUE, avril 2017.

Natacha: Flying Bellhop”, Comics Forum, 19 January 2018. Original: Capart, Philippe. « Natacha : Groom de l’air ». La Crypte tonique nov/déc, 2012, Issue 6, 28-34.

Roche, Olivier, “Conference Report: International Conference ‘Tintin au XXIe siècle’ [Tintin In The 21st Century]”, Comics Forum, 11 December 2017.

Les Aventures du professeur Nimbus: Tightrope Walker During the Occupation” (four-part essay), Comics Forum, November-December 2016.  Original: Sausverd, Antoine. « Les Aventures du professeur Nimbus : Funambule sous l’occupation ». La Crλpte tonique sept-oct, 2013, Issue 10, 13-18.

Go Nagai Go!!: Small Detour in the Country of the Bleeding Sun”, Comics Forum, 26 October 2016.

Original: Heymans, Christian. « Go Nagai Go !! : Petit détour au pays du soleil sanglant ». La Crλpte tonique jan-fév, 2012, Issue 2, 10-11.

Marcinelle School”, Comics Forum, 22 September 2016. Original: Capart, Philippe. « École de Marcinelle. » La Crλpte tonique nov/déc, 2012, Issue 6, 21-27.

Conference Papers and Seminars

“Coloniality and Nutrition in Rius’s œuvre”, International Comic Arts Forum, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 20-22 April 2023.

“Alicia Jaraba Abellán’s Soy la Malinche/Celle qui parle: Speaking on/for a legendary speaker”, FHIS Research Seminar, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, 5 April 2023.

Bob le cowboy !: Revealing industry realities to readers”, International Comics And Graphic Novel And International Bande Dessinée Society Joint Conference, University of Cambridge, Cambridge (England), 21-25 June 2021. (held online)

“Contemporary Spirou and WWII: Still Processing the Past”, Tradition and Innovation in Franco-Belgian Bande Dessinée, University of Leicester (England), 13 March 2020 (via videoconference).

M3D143N717Y: Taking the Network over and Bringing It Down”, XIX ISA World Congress of Sociology: Power, Violence and Justice: Reflections, Responses and Responsibilities, Metro Toronto Convention Center, Toronto, 15-21 July 2018.

Zombillénium: The Corporate Hell of Lock-In Contracts and Ideological State Apparatuses According to Arthur de Pins”, Canadian Association of Cultural Studies/Association Canadienne des Études Culturelles Conference 2018: Carceral Cultures, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, 1-4 March 2018.

« Seuls, Bokura no Yuuki et The Girl Who Owned a City : une remise à zéro des valeurs ? », Atlantys : Penser la fin du monde : imaginaire et expérience de la catastrophe, 3e Colloque international : Théories de la fin du monde/Récits et représentations d’apocalypses / Theorizing the End of the World/Narratives and Representations of Apocalypse, La Cité des Congrès de Nantes (France), 2-4 November 2017.

« Sur les traces de Tintin l’Européen au Japon aujourd’hui » [On the Steps of Tintin the European in Japan Today], Tintin au XXIe siècle : Territoires et Temporalités [Tintin in the Twenty-First Century: Territories and Temporalities], Université Catholique de Louvain/Musée Hergé, Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), 17-20 May 2017.

“Forging History: (Un)Authorised Biographies of Mythical Belgian Comic Authors”, The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2017: History, Story, Narrative, 神戸芸術センター [Art Center of Kobe] (Japan), 30 March–2 April 2017.

“Crises in Representation in L’Atelier Mastodonte”, 11th International Conference Crossroads in Cultural Studies, The University of Sydney (Australia), 14-17 December 2016.

Groomboy Supergroom (if you don’t mind): Fleshing out Spirou”, Superhero Identities Symposium, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne (Australia), 8–9 December 2016.

“La memoria de la dominación colonial y la recuperación de la conciencia en Operación Bolívar” [The Memory of Colonial Domination and the Recovery of Consciousness in Operación Bolívar], 2016 東京大学ラテンアメリカ学術ネットワーク [UTokyo Latin American and Iberian Network for Academic Collaboration] Conference: The Power of Memory: Perspectives from Latin America, 東京大学 [The University of Tokyo] (Japan), 10-12 June 2016.

Bob le cowboy !: The Good Intentions, the Bad Script and the Ugly Drawings”, The Asian Conference on Arts and Humanities 2016: Justice, 神戸芸術センター [Art Center of Kobe] (Japan), 7-10 April 2016.

“El curioso caso de Gisèle: ¿Una fábula erótica feminista?” [The Curious Case of Gisèle: An Erotic Feminist Fable?], Congreso Internacional Cómic y compromiso social [International Conference Comics and Social Commitment], Universitat de València (Spain), 18-20 November 2015.

“La animación argentina: Fontanarrosa en la pantalla” [The Argentinian Animation: Fontanarrosa on the Screen], XXXIII Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Estudios Latinoamericanos [XXXIII International Conference of the Latin American Studies Association], LASA 2015: Precariedades, exclusiones, emergencias [Precariousness, Exclusions, Emergencies], Caribe Hilton, San Juan (Puerto Rico), 27-30 May 2015.

“Mastodonte Power!: Laughing at/with Spirou”, 21st Australasian Humour Studies Network Conference: Humour: Politics, Pragmatics, Ethics, Flinders University, Adelaide (Australia), 4-6 February 2015.

“M3D143N717Y: Letting the Network Take Over”, French Studies seminar, The University of Sydney (Australia), 9 April 2014.

“M3D143N717Y: Letting the Network Take Over”, Inkers and Thinkers: The Evolution of Comics, The University of Adelaide (Australia), 4 April 2014.

« Amérique du sud, mon œil ! Le Strabisme divergent manifeste de Spirou et les héritiers… » [South America, my foot! The Manifest Exotropia of Spirou et les héritiers], 27e Congrès mondial Conseil International d’Études Francophones [27th World Conference of the International Council of Francophone Studies]: Karay, de l’inter/transculturel : heurts et bonheurs [Melting Pot, of the Inter/Transcultural : Successes and Failures], Centre de Conférence de Grand Baie (Mauritius), 9-16 June 2013.

« Suivez le Groom : Quand Yoann et Vehlmann animent le « calot vide » » [Follow the Bellboy: When Yoann and Vehlmann bring the “Empty Bellhop’s Hat” to Life], The 20th edition of the Australian Society for French Studies conference: Framing Cinema and the Visual Arts / Cadrages: cinéma et arts visuels, The University of Adelaide (Australia) 27-29 September 2012.

“Going Westwards: The Geopolitical and Chronopolitical Place of Latin America in Hergé’s Diptychs Le Secret de la Licorne/Le Trésor de Rackham le Rouge and Les 7 Boules de cristal/Le Temple du soleil”, Cultural Studies Association of Australasia Annual Conference 2011: Cultural ReOrientations and Comparative Colonialities, University of South Australia, Adelaide (Australia), 22–24 November 2011.

“‘Ce n’est ni le lieu ni le moment! Éloignons-nous au plus vite!’: Time Travel, Ecology and the Place of Latin America in L’Horloger de la comète” [“It’s Neither the Time nor the Place! Let’s Move Away as Fast as Possible!”: Time Travel, Ecology and the Place of Latin America in L’Horloger de la comète], Joint Sydney University Research Community for Latin America/French Studies Seminar, The University of Sydney (Australia), 14 September 2011.

“‘Ce n’est ni le lieu ni le moment! Éloignons-nous au plus vite!’: Time Travel, Ecology and the Place of Latin America in L’Horloger de la comète” [“It’s Neither the Time nor the Place! Let’s Move Away as Fast as Possible!”: Time Travel, Ecology and the Place of Latin America in L’Horloger de la comète], Joint International Conference of Graphic Novels, Bandes Dessinées and Comics, Manchester Metropolitan University (England), 5-8 July 2011.

“‘Do You Think US Comics are the Only Ones With Strong Men?’: Traitors and National Heroes in Rius’s Los Supermachos and the (de)Configuration of the Mexican Nation”, The Sydney University Research Community for Latin America, The University of Sydney (Australia), 17 May 2011.

“‘¿A poco sólo en las historietas gringas hay hombres juertes…?’: Malinchistas y cuauhtémiquistas en Los Supermachos de Rius y la (des)configuración de la mítica nación’ [‘Do You Think US Comics are the Only Ones With Strong Men?’: Traitors and National Heroes in Rius’s Los Supermachos and the (de)Configuration of the Mexican Nation], International Society for Cultural History and Cultural Studies V Queer Studies Easter Symposium, Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal, México D.F. (Mexico), 11-16 April 2011.

“De los feos vicios, o las vergüenzas de los Pereyra” [On Ugly Vices, or the Shame of the Pereyra], 1er Congreso Internacional de Historietas: Viñetas Serias [1st International Comics Conference: Serious Frames], Biblioteca Nacional, Buenos Aires (Argentina), 23-25 September 2010.

“Something is Rotten in the Pampas: Inodoro Pereyra’s Espadrilles and the ser nacional in Argentina”, IX Biennial Conference of the Association of Iberian and Latin American Studies of Australasia: Independence! Two Centuries of Struggle, Australian National University (Australia), 7-9 July 2010.

Inodoro Pereyra: The Gaucho as a National Icon and Projections of the ‘Indian’”, Transcultural Mappings: Emerging Issues in Comparative, Transnational and Area Studies, The University of Sydney (Australia), 9-11 April 2010.

“Politics as a Carnival in Hergé’s Tintin et les Picaros”, School of Languages and Cultures Research Day, The University of Sydney (Australia), 28 August 2009.

“Politics as a Carnival in Hergé’s Tintin et les Picaros”, International Bande Dessinée Society sixth bi-annual conference, Institut Français, London (England), 19-20 June 2009.


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